Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Faculty of Law
Fall semester
Tutorial - Contract law general part (HU)
Tutorial - Company law (HU)
Contractual Liability (postgraduate program for practitioners - HU)
Einführung in das ungarische Privatrecht (i.e. Introduction into the Hungarian Private Law - for Erasmus students - DE) - Description
Spring semester
Lecture - Contract law special part (HU)
Tutorial - Contract law special part (HU)
Elective Course: Case Studies in the Law of Obligations (HU)
Hungarian Tort Law in (Comparative) Context - a Case by Case Approach (EN) - Description
Courses given earlier
Tutorial - Law of succession
Lecture - Law of Succession and IP Law
Elective course - "Field Study" on Consumer contract law
Elective course - Tutorial on the law of damages
Elective course - Lecture: Fundamental issues of contract law
Elective course - Lecture: Liability law and the law of damages
Andrássy Gyula German-language University, Budapest
Lecture - Einführung in das ungarische Privatrecht (2004-) - i.e. Introduction into the Hungarian private law in a comparative perspective
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